Hope for children

One in every 10 children in Uganda is born with some form of disability.


Children & Families

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Because every child is a blessing and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

The word MUKISA means BLESSING.

One in every 10 children in Uganda is born with some form of disability. These range from extremely severe physical and/or mental disabilities, to very mild ones that are hardly noticeable. However, most communities still view disability as a bad omen, bad luck, punishment or a curse for the sins the parents must have committed. Some people see disability as witchcraft or a contagious condition that should be avoided, which leave families who have children with disabilities alone and isolated. The lack of readily available support and information to parents prevents them from giving their children quality care at an early age, which in turn increases the severity of the children’s condition.

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Children Testimonies

MUKISA Kids are telling their Stories

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